What are the aims of Tandem?
Tandem aims to profile the effectiveness of relationships developed between coaches and athletes regardless of sport, age, gender, experience, qualifications and so on. Profiling the coach-athlete relationship at an individual or team level helps to
(a) better understand the current state of the relationship or a number of relationships (diagnosis)
(b) appreciate the potential of the relationship/s over time (prognosis) and
(c) highlight ways to develop and maintain a positive sporting environment (education) that is both fulfilling and successful.
The tool recognises that the people comprising the squad/team are at the heart of sport coaching. Consequently, one main objective is to get to the heart of team issues and group dynamics by identifying interpersonal strengths and weaknesses.
In brief, Tandem results can be used in:
Relationship, Team Building and Development
- Identify likely sources of incompatibility and dissatisfaction
- Improve respect, trust, appreciation, commitment, reliance, and co-operation
- Conflict resolution
- Facilate open communication
- Promote leadership effectiveness
Individual Development
- Increase awareness
- Personal growth
- Career development