Educational Workshops

Sophia has delivered workshops, seminars, lectures in various sport organisation across the world. Here is some feedback we have recieved: 


I very much enjoyed the workshop, not only did I learn a great deal about your work in this field but most importantly it really made me think about how I manage the relationships I have with the people I coach. It is now for me to work at integrating your ideas and advice into my coaching practice, a process I am going to continue with over the next few months....Tandem could be a very useful assessment tool for NGB's who employ coaching staff. I would recommend your session to other coaches.  (David Brooks, PGA Level 4 Golf Coach)

I thought your session was excellent and Tandem has opened up my thinking to many possibilities for The ASA/British Swimming moving forwards. I found the delivery at the perfect level...Tandem itself was easy to follow and provided excellent evidence-based qualitative information that allows for much more direct analysis of whether you are meeting your athlete’s needs too. (Ian Freeman, ASA/IoS Licenced Tutor, Athlete Development Support Pathway and High Performance Lifestyle Advisor)

I enjoyed the seminar. It was a pleasure to meet you, and to spend time in such stimulating and like-minded company. It has certainly got me thinking hard about my coaching, and what I can do to keep working on the relationships therein....a big thank you from me, and you can be sure that I will be singing your praises in future conversations with fellow coaches, teachers, lecturers etc. (Richard Dixon, University Rugby Performance Coach)

Your presentation allowed me to understand that each athlete should be treated as an individual and knowing how to interact with each one, is a skill that comes from consistent interaction, experience and importantly being open to needs of the athlete. Through the Tandem method, I have learned that I need to show more commitment to my players...I now have feedback to work on and skills to improve these relationships. (Duncan Robertson, Football Coach)